Utah Department of Health Office of Health Disparities
The Connection: News about overcoming health disparities in Utah

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Pacific Islander Study Is Underway!

The Utah Department of Health Survey Center is now randomly contacting Utah Pacific Islanders to learn about their health needs and preferences.  This is the first surveillance study of its kind in Utah, and possibly throughout the nation. 

If you are randomly selected to participate, you will talk to an interviewer for about 10 minutes on the telephone.  You may complete the interview in English, Tongan or Samoan.  All of your answers will be confidential. The information will be used to improve public health outreach to Pacific Islanders.  The better the response rate, the more accurate our information about Utah Pacific Islanders will be, so please encourage all Utah Pacific Islanders to agree to speak to the Health Department interviewers if they are randomly chosen to complete an interview.

Five Utah Pacific Islanders who speak English and Tongan or Samoan have been hired and trained to conduct the survey.

Many Utah Pacific Islanders already participated in pilot testing of the survey instrument several weeks ago.  However, it is possible that some of  these people could randomly be contacted again to participate in the "real" and finalized survey, so don't worry if you get another call that sounds familiar!  Surveys completed during pilot testing will not count towards the final study numbers.

As of today, 59 Utah Pacific Islanders have already completed  interviews, so we are at a great start towards completing our goal of 500 interviews.

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